Saturday, July 20, 2013

First Baby Bath Family Tradition (original)

I will soon post pictures of the Sheera family tradition of the baby’s first bath.  This has been a long standing tradition since the days of July 18, 2013 when I invited it.  I can invent traditions can’t I?  Sure I can says the voice inside my head, and I have to agree with him.  Well that’s two people that say I can.  So YES WE CAN.  Especially since there are only 5 Sheera’s living in America and Renin is the second one born in America.  

I will write about each step of this sacred tradition in excruciating detail with photographic accompaniment so as to preserve it on Facebook for generations of Sheera’s to come.  Someone once told me once you put something on The Facebook it can never be erased from The internets which is really just a series of tubes as the late great computer genius Ted Stevens described.

This tradition may move from one tube to another in another part of the world the way my bowel movement moves from the toilet to some sewer line but it will never go away and will be around to cause a stink.

Anyway lets get on to step one of this tradition. #1 MAKE A BABY.   As my wife’s mom (by the way greatest mother in law ever) told us, have sex everyday.  Sorry no photographic or video accompaniment.   Unless TMZ or someone else leaks it.  But trust me in that you do not want to see it.   Anyway this sex must be vaginal no matter how tempting the other options maybe.  You will have to do this until the birth of a child or until you die the happiest man on the planet.  Well I’m alive and still happy so win win.  Whoops gotta go family duties call.

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  1. Ketan Kansagra Sometimes you should keep inside thoughts inside.

  2. Mitul Sheera You know more than anyone the doctor told me I was born without the filter between my brain and mouth, or did he say between my penis and mouth. Whoops I did it again.

  3. Kelly McCabe Hoffman You and Shaun have something in common...
    6 hours ago via mobile

  4. like the original one better....

  5. Original was better. . . life is too short to censor yourself.

  6. what is the need of car parking analogy ???
    everybody looks adult here... :)
