Sunday, July 21, 2013

Disclaimer Read First.

Disclaimer Read First:

I do have the approval of my wife to do this blog.  She does not find every sentence I write funny, but she thinks I’m a funny person.  I embarrass both myself  and my wife regularly.  Now it’ll be more public.  We have been together for over 18 years married for almost 11.  We will be together for the rest of our lives.  I have not had a comedic outlet for my thoughts in over 15 years.  With the birth of our child I decided I need to change that because in the first 10 days of his life he has given so much more than I ever thought possible.  I had dreams of dying childless and happy.  Now I realize how dumb I was.  Having a child is the greatest thing that one can do for themselves.  I’m sorry for the relatives whom I have offended.  Please feel free to post your negative comments on the blog.  No need to send me angry texts.  This blog will have a level of honesty that may be uncomfortable for some that are close to me.  Hopefully others will like it. 

What is the goal of this blog.  

#1  I wanted to share the experience of a reluctant dad.  To be honest (which is the whole point of this thing), I did not want my child 11 days ago.  Now that he has turned 10 days today I realize I love him more and more each day.  How can this be? Well that’s one of the points of this blog.  You’ll have to check in weekly to find out.

#2. I wanted a place to share my photos.  I have a hobby of photography and FB seemed to always degrade my photos.  I’d like to share them here.

#3 I used to think I was funny.  When I was in high school I could make so many people laugh.  That continued through medschool, but now being a doctor it is very inappropriate for me to say any of the funny things that I’m thinking.  I’ve been about to laugh at work and I have to hold it in.  I’m not saying I’m a Jerry Seinfeld or a Chris Rock, I’m not even a Margeret Choo, or Carrot top.  I’m just someone that wants to be honest.  Disclaimer: I may exaggerate some stories for effect

Renin This Morning. I love you Renin.

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  1. A blog seems a much better venue for longer form comments about your pictures than FB. It also means that you have to take care to re-read and edit your work, well, if you care about your readers you do. The first post in the blog was too much in a stream of consciousness style for me, and perhaps you were trying to hard to be funny by throwing in all that random stuff. You are funnier when you are just being yourself. I was worried that you were manic--and I'm still not sure--though this post is more reasonable, and more readable.

    Cute picture of Ren. Makes me want to eat tacos. I can only hope they are this happy.

  2. Mike your opinion is invaluable. You have been checking my work since the 8th grade. In fact I think you wrote some of my papers along the way.
